Jeff Realizes He's Too Young To Vote

It was a glorious Friday afternoon. Jeff was walking down to the town so that he could vote in the EU Referendum. He was going to vote Brexit. He was so excited! It was hot as the fires of Hell, but he couldn't care less. In the distance, he saw the voting building that is totally a real thing and headed towards them.
Arriving at the voting building that is totally a real thing, Jeff got in line to vote. He could imagine it now. It would be a perfect world, a world where the British Pound would fall to an incredibly low level! He approached the voting lady. That is totally an occupation that exists.
"Hey sir, how can I help you today?" she asked.
"I want to vote Brexit" Jeff said.
"Okay what is your name?" she replied, with a seductive smile on her face. She totally wanted the D.
"Jeff the Killer" he said, ignoring her acts of seduction.
"Oh, I know you!" she said. "You're too young to vote in this, mate. Sorry dude." She frowned and tried pushing him away so the next person could vote. Jeff was mad. It was easy to understand why. He grabbed the woman by the collar.
"Go to sleep" he whispered, as he pulled a knife from his pocket. He suddenly dropped his knife in shock as he was alerted to the police by the sound of gunfire. "Damn, it's the boys in blue!"
"Put the gun down, sir!" shouted one of the police officers as more police officers with different weapons swarmed into the room. Jeff knew he was outnumbered. However, he couldn't just drop his weapon! He wouldn't be a scary creepypasta anymore if he did that! It'd ruin his reputation! Instead, he decided to fight. He ran at them and jumped into the air like that awesome guy from the Matrix. He did a spin kick and knocked out a few of the officers. He quickly made a dash to another officer, snapped their neck and grabbed their pistol. However, he couldn't use it as the remaining officers began to shoot at him. He ran away and up towards the wall, where he jumped on to it and bounced off, launching through the air above the officers. As he passed overhead, he fired his pistol and killed them all. However, one stray bullet hit a police car and it actually blew up. Like, it didn't just go bang, it took out the entire building. It was huge, dude. Jeff managed to survive. The blast had propelled him through the sky and on top of a cow in a field. Jeff stood up and waved the smoke away from his face. Now his face was burned even more than it already was.
"And that kids, is why you should vote Brexit" Jeff said, as he walked away into the distance, possibly to go home or to go kill some innocent teenager.
Back at the voting building that is totally a real thing, fire engines and fire men put out the fires and dragged the corpses out from the debris.
"Hey guys, my one is kind of alive? Please, I'm not sure what to do!" shouted a fire man who had only just started his job today. All of the fire men ran over to assist her.
"Ma'am, we need to know what happened to you" one of the fire men said.
"Don't worry, I have this covered" said another. "The burn marks here on her face suggests she was the victim of an explosion, most likely caused as a result of a fight breaking out between a creepypasta serial killer and police officers, which led to a stray bullet hitting a police car and exploding it. May sound crazy, I know, but this is probably what happened. You see, this building was housing the votes for the EU Referendum. The serial killer was likely going to vote Brexit, and being a teenager, he-"
"Okay Exposition Dave, we know" frowned the fire man next to him. He suddenly staggered back as the woman got off. She turned to face a TV camera that wasn't there, and in a dramatic tone, said "Jeff the Killer. I will get you. I will get my revenge!" Suddenly, Iron Man's suit from the movies formed around her and she took off to the skies. Legend has it, she is still out there. Attempting to get her revenge to this very day.